I am a learning person. Every day is
a new chapter with a lesson to learn. It is never too late to learn. I got My
Masters Degree after my two children were born and Law degree when my
granddaughter appeared. Started learning classical vocal music at 46 …Driving
at 60 …Mandolin at 64 and now at 67,
learning to play Golf. Learning is fun….not just from books but from everything
around us. I am constantly looking for knowledge…talking to people..observing
others…reading books..watching TV.. attending
seminars, lectures..listening to discourses…it is exhilarating. I also believe
in sharing my knowledge so write books ,deliver lectures and conduct training
programmes.Teaching is as much fun as learning as one has to be humble to
learn- to teach. It is important to keep your eyes. ears and above all…mind, to
be an avid learner. And the learning process completes when you implement what
you learn!
Letting Go
It is the most difficult thing to
do..letting go. It is called reverse
pregnancy when you have psychological contractions.As parents we tend to
breathe down the child’s neck always insisting we know best. It is easier said
than done to watch their so called
mistakes and resist the temptation to
say ‘I told you so’. It is near impossible to let go of our emotions like hate
and bitterness, just as it is to let go of memories that hurt. But if we can,
that is the greatest victory. How wonderful if we can let go of the junk we
accumulate over the years. I know many old people who surround themselves with
collectibles collecting dust…just because they cannot let go of their
attachment to material things. If only they could let go and give it to those
who need them and enjoy them. If you don’t use something, it is better to give
it to someone who has more use for it. It is just like breathing…you can
breathe in and hold it but for how long? It can stifle you. You have to let go
and breathe out! What a relief. So let go of control mania…constricting emotions…attachment
to people and things to the extent it clouds your thinking..it is as relaxing
as breathing out!
everybody in the whole damn world is scared of each other…which
is why perhaps loneliness is the worst sickness people suffer from. You can be
in roomful of folks and still feel lonely. It could be due to lack of self
esteem or blown up image of oneself. It could be a phase you are going through,
dealing with some inner conflicts and you don’t find anyone you can relate to. Whatever
the reason, it is self generated! Having habits like reading/listening to music/volunteering
at orphanages or old ager homes…these are some of the ways one can overcome
loneliness. Those who are wedded to their work, try to find solace in that but
it is not a solution. Neither is alcohol!! Loneliness can be converted to
peaceful solitude by being comfortable in oneself and You
cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with.
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