Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Etiquette for PR III..Borrowing & Lending

If you are a habitual borrower, the first step is to curb the tendency to do so and limit it to absolute necessities.  This does not mean that you go and borrow eggs and sugar from your neighbor every morning.  It is all right to knock on your neighbor’s door if it is raining, you have no maid, you have an unexpected guest and you have run out of tea leaves.  But always make it a point to return the same when you replenish your stock.  Whatever you borrow, return the same quantity and quality.
Avoid borrowing expensive gadgets of which you don’t know much.  If you want to iron your clothes and think of using your friend’s imported steam iron, settle for a crumpled look.  By sheer bad luck, you may drop the iron and it will be embarrassing for you and him.  Perhaps the spare parts are not available or it has sentimental value.
Never borrow anyone’s vehicle.  Though you are a good driver, it is not advisable to drive another’s car or two-wheeler as each vehicle has its behavior pattern which only the owner is familiar with.  If you have to use other’s vehicles, make sure you return them in the same condition and fill up enough gas for the owner to go across to the gas station.  When you borrow someone’s car, don’t expect the person to pay for the gas too.
There are certain things which you should not borrow… underclothes, soap, comb, lipstick and face powder.  (In a compact).
If you need money, ask your friend or relative by all means. But return the same promptly on the day you promised to do and if you cannot, convey your inability and give it back as soon as you can comfortably manage.
NEVER borrow jewelry.  Apart from it being bad to shine in borrowed finery, you might lose it and not be in a position to make good.  One golden principle is, make do with what you have.
For the large hearted lenders, some do’s and don’ts
When you lend anything, educate the borrower about the precautions, if any, to be taken, while using it.  If your second gear slips or the brake is loose, better tell the person borrowing your car so that he knows what he is in for.  Don’t lend what you have borrowed!  If what you are lending is on its last legs, tell the borrower and don’t hold him responsible for its collapse.
If you are not inclined to lend, don’t give lame excuses-be frank and say so.

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