Thursday, January 16, 2014

THE TIME OF MY LIFE ..XX.Training highlights

My PR colleagues from National Thermal Power Corporation, Nair and Ravindran, invited me to hold a session on Image building, another module I design, for their senior executives at Delhi. One of the participants, Saini, from their Rajastan unit, invited me to Anta, their  township, to hold workshops for all their workers, supervisor and executives, their respective wives and children. It was very satisfying except for two things. I would like to mention it here as a case study Saini had taken a lot trouble to coordinate with me, the employees and HODs, to have this programme. He had made arrangements for my stay in their lovely guest house and extended all help to make me feel comfortable. It started off on the right foot but the workers boycotted the sessions lined up for them as a, mark of protest against the management , regarding some promotion discrepancy. This is what I mean by every employee being an image builder. The Union should not have held management to ransom in the presence of an outsider like me. After all, the organisation had spent money and by not making use of my presence, they were harming its interest as also its image. The other factor which left a bad taste is the absence of the unit chief’s wife at the programme organised for the wives of the executives. Whatever internal squabbles be, a united front should be projected to an outsider. The chief executive’s wife has more to do than just use her husband’s perks and be a dowager of his company quarters. Every action of hers is a signal to those down the line of her husband’s attitude, Very few women have the grace to carry off their spouse’s success.  I‘d like to do a module on executive – wife- like qualities.  Any takers?
It is to mix business with pleasure and that is what it was at the Taj holiday resort at Coonoor!! Employees, their spouses and children of the SIEMENS Information  Systems, at Bangalore, decided to have a family picnic and combine training with it. I loved the assignment which was like a busman’s holiday.  For two evenings, after day time sight seeing, I did a module on Getting to know, a capsulated version of practical communication. Everyone, including the MD and his wife, participated wholeheartedly.
It is very gratifying to work with employees of an organisation that can make a difference in society. The Road Transport Organisation (RTO) can play a crucial role in minimising road accidents by enforcing stringent parameters for issue of licence. But unfortunately, there is so much corruption in this department that anyone can get a driver’s license, through unscrupulous touts hanging around. This has resulted in increasing road accidents, thanks to reckless drivers. The transport commissioner, Sridhar, introduced a customer – friendly system by designating PROs in every RTO in the State. I conducted a one day work shop on image building for 40 such PROs and I hope they will make a difference.

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