Sunday, August 4, 2013

Women make better managers

  And now, management experts are turning to women for guidance.  In one of his recent lectures, a well-known management pundit suggested that men should seek their wives’ expert advice on the techniques practiced over years and handed down from mother to daughter.  Why do men take so long to recognise facts, which figure right under their nose?  If you ask an average woman what she has to say about management information system or work-study, she may not come with a pat answer.  That’s because she doesn’t believe in jargon.  What she follows is a pure commonsense-based activity. 
Contrary to the claims of the west, management studies, though informal, originated in India in joint families.  The chairman was the man of the house while the wife was the managing director.  But unlike the MDs of today, these women believed in delegation of duties.  The family MD defined the roles to be played by the daughters-in-law and the hierarchy of authority was fairly distributed according to seniority.  The eldest daughter-in-law officiated as the second-in-command and so on, down the line. Major decisions were taken by the MD, in consultation with the junior members of the family and though everyone had no illusions about who had the final say, a democratic environment prevailed.
 Of course, with the dissolution of the joint family system, the original schools of management have become extinct leaving the modern woman to depend on the elitist institutions that have sprung all over the country.  Alas! Despite the aura of sophistication that surrounds these management schools, they are sadly lacking in the uncluttered commonsense norms practiced by the women of the old school.
In their bid for equality, women are trying to ape the men and in the bargain losing the valuable attributes of a woman- her inherent talent for man management! Still, there is a lot to be said in favour of the modern woman.  She has proved how good an expert she is at time management, by making a go of it at home and at work.  It’s only a woman who has the mental and physical energy and organisational ability, to cope with two equally demanding full-time jobs!!  Women are born ‘manager’ material. 


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