Thursday, October 3, 2013

ART OF WRITING VI (story-theme)

Suppose you choose the theme of love. There are various angles to this and you have to zero in on one. You could write a story on the unhappy turn of events in the life of a young couple who are very7 much in love, you could tackle the first stirrings of love in the bosom of a young man who admires his elderly aunt, highlight the bonds of love between a young child and its nurse.. Different angles which could be the core of the story.
Having decided on the theme, your next problem will be of collecting material for the story. For this, you have two alternatives. Either you have original material or borrowed material. In the former case, you have to depend on your imagination and your creativity, draw from your own fund of experience and blend it with your inventive powers to dramatise it enough to grip the reader’s attention.
But the question arises as how original can an idea be as over the years, almost all facets of life have been played up by one or the other writer. To that extent, you originality will be restricted to how effectively you can make it should unusual without becoming improbable.
Most stories are based on borrowed material. You will find that when you read works of other writers, their thoughts kindle some related ones in your mind and this could very well be the theme of your story. This is perfectly acceptable as long as you take only the skeletal idea and flesh it out with your own. For example, you read Snowwhite and the Seven Dwarfs or Cinderella and you are inspired to write a story on the heartlessness of step-mothers. How you will weave the story will be an exercise of your ingenuity, though your theme is borrowed.
This brings us to a very crucial start to writing—reading. It helps to read the works of great authors like O.Henry, Somerset Maugham and Oscar Wilder whose short stories will inspire you with ideas of different themes and the ways to tackle them, your next step is top choose the right ‘aspect’.

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