Monday, March 31, 2014

No-Nonsense Chayaisms-Thoughts & Quotes

Women rarely express their views. Our society does not encourage them to do that. Those who have the courage to voice their opinions are hounded, snubbed or laughed at. So they keep quite or stop thinking. Mostly, their attitudes and actions are dictated by men, even if benevolently so. Their voice is rarely heard in decision making processes though they are present. Even high achievers are publicity shy as they feel their spouse may not like them to hog the limelight or their male colleagues find them pushy. As a journalist, I found male achievers easier to approach for an interview, then successful women. Women are self effusive. They want to be in the background even if their work is exemplary. They shy away from speaking about themselves. When I request a female participant in a seminar, to introduce herself, she invariably starts with “I am Mrs….. My husband is …. and I have ….. children” -  even if she is a professional!

This work of mine is to initiate a new genre of writing. To encourage women to think and inspire them to put down their thoughts. This could be on any subject they feel strongly about. It could be published if they feel like sharing them with others or it could be a personal gift to oneself. This is a great way of encouraging oneself to think, analyse and record maybe to read after a few years to see if one has the same views or changed the thinking track. It can be a very adventurous experience, going through the maze of your life experiences and jotting down your views on the issues that have impacted you. Over the years, I have been collecting inspiring and interesting thoughts of other writers and I have quoted them to add value to mine. I have had fun doing this and I hope I have motivated you to do the same. It is easy, just follow the format and express your views. The world is waiting to hear what you have to say!
 About Me:
 Hi! I am Chaya Srivatsa-so what? Well, I have to introduce myself first before I share my thoughts so I started with my name. let me go on and tell you more about myself. I will stick to what is relevant to the objective of this exercise. Do bear with me- you just might like what I say and then it is up to you to go on. An ordinary woman, I developed this extraordinary ability to find the positive in every negative situation. It is all a matter of perspective. When I was in my twenties, I read a book – The power of positive thinking and that has been the greatest influence on my approach to life and its quirks. If one thinks positive, even the most dismal day will seem bright. As someone said, it is better to be positive and have one leg than be negative and have two. A living example of this was my father-in-law who lost both his legs to gangrene and was in a wheel chair for 12 years. “God wanted something from me and he took my legs. I am glad he left me the use of all my other faculties” he would say and lived to be 90 as Lord of the Manor. If that is not positive mental attitude, show me another!

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