Absence of
conceit-absence of hypocrisy-harmlessness-
for teacher-cleanliness-steadfastness-self discipline
No management expert
could have put it in better terms. Going by this description, many of us would
lag far behind the ideal .Conceit is what makes most of us strut like peacocks
and look down on our fellow beings. Conceit is mistaken for self esteem and
confidence .While the latter is good for ones personality build up, the former
can reduce you to a hollow being. Little wonder that we have many empty vessels
in society full of sound and fury signifying nothing!
There is a very fine
line between diplomacy and hypocrisy. Most of us fall into the
second category! Rarely do we say what we think and do what we say. There is no
co ordination between these three within us. We are constantly displaying a facade that is intended to hoodwink others to gain personal benefits.
seems to be a quality not found in many of our behaviour.Not necessarily
physical but we can harm others verbally, financially, emotionally and
professionally. This is happening too much around us. By harming others, we do
greater harm to ourselves and do not realize the impact it can have on our well
means being tolerant of the actions/words of others. Greed and consumerism have
made us very snappy and ill mannered. This in turn has affected our Straightforwardness. We take refuge in
devious ways to get what we want and it is difficult to believe your fellow
beings just as it is for them to take you at face value!
Reverence for teacher- could be absent partly due to the teacher’s own lack of the
above qualities .As for cleanliness, it does not mean just outwardly washing
and wiping but an inner sterility. Steadfastness
in relationships at different levels brings about harmony and peace.
Self discipline is the most important quality and can bring into focus all the
other attributes. Armed with this inner control, we can master many values that
make us ‘good’ human beings.
Many organizations spend
big money on training their employees. Outdoor activities to build leadership
skills and team work are conducted. Hours of conference room presentations are
made. Yet corporate life is infused with interpersonal rivalries and
harassment. Perhaps it would be a good idea to go to the GITA for sage advice on
making individuals imbibe the qualities Krishna spoke about to Arjuna.
Its a great learning. Thank you for putting it in simple words.